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You Can Change a Life

Become a Monthly Giving Partner

Just $30 a month, about $1 a day, gives YOU the power to change a life forever.

Did you know that 77% of our neighbors experiencing homelessness are from San Diego?

Those who are experiencing homelessness are our neighbors, our friends, and our responsibility to care for.

Homelessness is a community issue, and together we can transform lives forever.

By joining the Home Team, you can be a part of the solution.

monthly giving program, home team, san diego rescue mission

As a Home Team Monthly Giving Partner you are providing support for:

“After being in the Mission… I’m
definitely changed.” 

Join the Home Team Now!

“Since our boys were little, we tried to instill in them a concern for the poor and homeless. We believe we must help the less fortunate in our community! San Diego Rescue Mission supports the poor and needy in the best way: they provide food, clothing and shelter, while adding Godly spiritual support. The leaders of the Rescue Mission have long been caring and sensitive toward our homeless population in San Diego. We are happy to support the team at San Diego Rescue Mission.”

– The Rackleys, Home Team Members